Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Montessori activities 2

Here are our new activities on our shelves in the classroom. Some of the same stuff but here are the additions! I purchased the mini Pink Tower and the mini knobbed cylinders to add to the classroom as well. There are actually 4 sets of the cylinders but I am introducing them one at a time. She does not seem to interested in them yet.
This is our new magnet board from Ikea, $12.99. The cheap magnets are a little hard to keep from sliding down since they aren't very strong but it will be perfect later on for her Mass Kit that I am making. I just need to get it laminated and we'll be ready to play. I will take pictures of it later.
Sorry this picture is blurry. Can't wait to get our new camera! Anyway, I found this dog dish at The Dollar Store. It was a great find. I never would have thought to use a dog dish for Montessori activities but they seem perfect. I also bought these hair ties there for $1 and they come in a pack of 1,000! I am starting with all one color and eventually will make pattern cards and have her try that. She loves this activity. Very simply, she puts the pony holder on the cylinder from her play blocks. This is a great activity for starting out using two hands at a time.
My Mother in Law let me borrow this veggie tray. I put shells in the middle which I found at Micheal's for 47 cents. I taped a piece of paper with the numbers one through six written on them to each compartment. Mena puts the corresponding shells in each compartment.
Here are some colored bowls that I bought at Micheal's on sale for 47 cents a piece! I found these flower plastic hair clips at The Dollar Store for a buck! She sorts them by color.
This is simply a four section Christmas tray. I taped colored construction paper in each compartment and Mena uses Pom Pom balls sorted by color. Eventually I will add tongs to the activity.
I tried letting Mena sweep into a dust pan but that was a little too difficult for her. Here is what we do now. Put masking tape on a tray in the shape if a "C "so that she can sweep items into it. Works a lot better so far!
I forgot to take a picture of our smelling bottles. I found some salt and pepper shakers from The Dollar Store and put the same scent on two cotton balls inside the jars. Mena then matched them up according to scent. I think this would work better with plastic or colored salt and pepper shakers as you can't see the colors of what you add. However, this is what I found and I am making due!

1 comment:

All Wrapped Up Baby Carriers said...

We just went to a ranger led talk at yellowstone. He put cotton balls in old film canisters. I think he used essential oils to make the balls smell. A couple you could see the color but most you could not. And same thing the kids were asked to identify the smell. Then later he put a bunch out and they had to find their 'partner'.

Thanks for sharing all your cool stuff!

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